Belarus State Economic University
Hello there! We are the Belarus State Economic University. We are only 83 years old – a young university with youthful dynamism! The Belarus State Economic University (BSEU) is a complex educational establishment, which trains specialists in the field of economics and management, finance and banking, accounting and statistics, commerce, international economic relations, economic policies, business communications techniques, marketing, logistics, economic law, economics and management of tourism, economics of labor and nature use, advertising activities, and price formations. BSEU has a well developed infrastructure of a training and scholarly complex: 11 schools, 59 departments (of which 39 are graduating ones), the Institute of Social-Liberal Education, the Institute of Raising Qualification and Retraining Economic Cadres, the Bobruisk branch, six Centers (those of scholarly research, macroeconomic research, management issues and consulting services, merchandising research and expert examination, IT development and a publishing one), a library, research labs, divisions and services, a student campus, a sports complex and a trade complex.