Belarusian State Medical University as a leading higher medical educa-tional institution in the Republic of Belarus has deserved international prestige and recognition for the quality of its teaching and research. Its history dates back to 1921, when a Medical Faculty was created on the basis of Belarusian State University. The University is committed to the advancement of knowledge, ensuring high quality teaching and learning experience, developing creative thinking and skills of analysis to meet the challenges of a changing so-ciety and produce better informed and more intellectually flexible graduates well equipped for employment in the 21st century. To be taken to the frontiers of knowledge and to consider the very latest developments and findings is an excellent experience for students. The University is always taking significant steps for improving existing facilities and creating new ones. Teaching at the University is provided at 72 departments (among them 29 theoretical and 43 clinical). The academic classes are organized at 70 teaching hospitals as well as research and practical centers.